The story of the masks
The purpose of the Unmasking Brain Injury project is to promote awareness of the prevalence of brain injury; to give survivors a voice and the means to educate others of what it's like to live with a brain injury; to show others that persons living with a disability due to their brain injury are like anyone else, deserving of dignity, respect, compassion and the opportunity to prove their value as citizens in their respective communities.
Last year, we encouraged our members to make masks as part of the Unmasking Brain Injury project, which was started by Hinds' Feet Farm in North Carolina. We shared the masks from our association at the June 2017 meeting of the Ontario Brain Injury Association Advisory Council. Everyone was excited about the strength of the messages of the masks, and the Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) decided to adopt this project with unveiling in June of 2018. Congratulations to our members for sharing their stories and making a difference in Ontario. It is truly amazing that an association of our size created and suggested the theme for this year's Brain Injury Awareness month in Ontario.
Masks by our members
Nita M.
Brain injury: motor vehicle accident
Explanation of Mask:
The right side of my mask shows the many things I have experienced with having Post Concussion Syndrome. Life became muddled, and there were so many changes to face. The left side of the mask represents my life now. It has taken me a long time to accept “the new me”. I know through time, courage, hope, and faith I am how I am now. I am a survivor!
Keith B.
Brain injury: motor vehicle accident
Explanation of Mask: I acquired a brain injury. My short term memory is impacted. I joined the club ABI and am glad as it helps me to see the happy side. The question mark represents the confusion I live with now. The number signs and dollar signs represent how I used to be an accountant before the accident. I look forward to attending church and club ABI every week. I love animals.
Doug B.
Brain injury: aneurysm
Explanation of Mask:
I acquired a brain injury from an aneurysm. I was retired from the military and was working as a truck driver for ITS and was forced to resign from my job. This mask represents how I feel after my injury. The ribbon represents that I am an ABI survivor and the heart represents the love and support system that I have – my wife, children, club ABI, CBIS (Christine). The tear drops represent the sadness, memory loss, and overwhelming feelings I have. The face on the left represents anger and frustration as I am unable to remember things because of my short term memory loss. The plus sign represents my positive attitude. I never give up, stay optimistic, and believe “together we can do anything”. I am lucky as I am surrounded by a good support system and am thankful for this. The question mark represents how I am confused. I have memory loss however I have strategies such as writing things down. I receive lots of support from my wife and club ABI. The happy face represents how I continue to keep smiling and have a great sense of humour.
Judy C.
Brain injury: concussion and whiplash
Explanation of Mask:
A few things were very prominent in coping with the concussion I had. First was my faith and the God who loves me and desires good for me. I learned a lot through this experience. Second, painting is a great way to deal with pain and to relax. The dark circles around the eyes are from lack of sleep and the hollow shell I felt like. The grey under my eyes with tears represent the sadness I felt but couldn’t cry out because it hurt my head to cry. The grey clouds above the eyes are for the foggy thinking I had for two years after I fell.
The puzzle pieces represent the disconnect I had in planning. Two thoughts were separate and I could not overlap in planning tasks. The dagger is for the sharp pains out the top of my head, and the yellow lines are where I hurt. The green represents the scarves I now wear to lessen muscle spasms in my neck. The pink represents that I am peaceful and I like this colour. The stars represent how I saw stars.
Kevin G.
Quinte West
Brain injury: brain tumor
Explanation of Mask:
I was young when I got my tumour. I don’t remember life before my ABI. I used the colour red because it is my favourite and it makes me happy. My brain injury makes me tired zzzz! I often forget stuff so that’s why I painted the question marks. Because of my brain injury I have met some really great people. We go to the races and this makes me happy.